Well, today certainly wasn't boring!
We said good-bye to the sea for a (very) little while and started cutting across to the east cost. Although we are definitely feeling fitter than two weeks ago, the promise of fairly flat roads and fewer big cities is definitely still appealing to us.
Starting with similar troubles as yesterday, we had to find our way around and besides the motorway, which didn't always prove intuitive. Just before we turned inland, it meant climbing up a patch of shrubbery to get to an abandoned bridge (and back down on the other side of course). Later, we encountered a locked gate across one path which required a detour of about 4k, had to wade through two streams to cross under a motorway and pick our way through a bit of eroding and blocked off road. To top it all off, our gps lead us about 2km (uphill!!) past our goal this evening.... 
On the other hand, some of the high points of today were seeing quite a few birds of prey and many spectacular fields full of poppies, camomile, and other beautiful flowers.
The absolute highlight of the day occured during lunch though:  we were sitting beside the road opposite the gates of a fruit farm, and at some point two workers came over and gave us a basket of the most delicious strawberries!